Monday, July 7, 2008

John Toone Cello Concert

This is s copy of an e-mail from cousin Julie:

Dear Descendants of John Toone (through Grace Merriam Toone Dickson). I am pleased to attach a PDF version of the invitation to a family recital featureing the Cello John Toone carried across the plains. I have included the text of the invitation in the body of the message for those who had difficulty reading a PDF.

If you know anyone from other branches of the Toone family, please share this invitation with them.

Hope to see you there!

You are cordially invited to attend a Toone Family Concert

featuring the

cello of John Toone

and the talents of two descendants

Saturday, July 26, 2008

7:00 pm

Salt Lake City Recital Hall

320 East 200 South

Salt Lake City, Utah

For questions, please contact

Julia Dickson Meredith

phone: 801.294.4598


additional details are available at:

The concert is free and open to the publc,

seating is limited so please arrive early for the recital.

Donations are welcome.

A family meeting will be held at 5:00 pm at the Recital Hall. We will have scanning equipment available to scan any historical photos, documents, or histories you wish to share.

The recital features the talents of Kayson Brown and Douglas Dickson